Honoring Your Choices in Celebrating Your Life

About Me

My name is Allison Elliot and I am an end of life doula who will compassionately customize advance end of life care and advance serious illness care plans for you . I am also a certified funeral/life celebrant officiant, providing a customized funeral/celebration of life service that truly honours your loved one’s life.

After a lengthy career in business, I feel as if I have truly found my calling, having arrived here in a rather circuitous manner. I have always been a proponent of a dignified death. So I jumped at the opportunity when Dying with Dignity Canada looked for volunteers to establish a Greater Toronto Area Chapter. That led me to Douglas College’s End of Life Doula Course, which then led me to be certified as a funeral/life celebration officiant through Life Celebrants International. 

To learn more about my services, click on the links below:

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